The NM Brujos and their partners the Rio Grande Celtic Festival are pleased to announce that registration for the 2032 Rio Grande Celtic 7s Rugby Tournament, scheduled for Saturday, May 6th, 2023 at scenic Balloon Fiesta Park, is now open!
Men's team registration is $400. Register your team now!
Women's teams $300. Register your team now!
High School teams $200. Register your team now!
Individual registration is also available and is still only $40! Register now!
Just a reminder that all registrations include free entry to the 2023 Rio Grande Celtic Festival, featuring Highland games, food (cross your fingers for the return of meatpies dammit!) , and a beer garden or two.
This is always the premier 7s tournament in the Southwest so save the date, and stay tuned to the Celtic 7s event page for up to the minute info including registration information.
Celtic 7s Sponsorships now available!
Put your business or team on the map with a 2023 Rio Grande Celtic 7s Rugby Tournament sponsorship!
Sponsorship opportunities include:
Includes banner at specific field. Placement on t-shirt and yard sign.
Logo on t-shirt, yard sign on main field.
In kind donations are also available as the New Mexico Brujos are a 501c